How to keep hair from getting frizzy?
I have two questions: why is my hair so frizzy and how to tame it? Thanks!
Sometimes curls, so attractive on others, become a real problem for their owners. Curly hair is difficult to straighten, and it causes a lot of troubles. But it’s still possible to take it under control.
The problem of hair becoming like a dandelion after washing is familiar to many girls. If the hair becomes very frizzy, this is a wake-up call – it means that its structure is damaged, and you should immediately resort to restorative procedures. Thin hair has large pores, where the moisture gets; such strands always become curly when the weather is wet and the humidity level is high, because the hairs absorb moisture that changes their shape. As a result, the hairdo just falls apart.
When the hair becomes curly, the moisture is absorbed unevenly, which leads to the “dandelion effect”. Another reason is hair twisting during the growing process, to which all hair types are prone to, including perfectly straight hair.

What to Do to Make Hair Less Frizzy?
– Change all your hair care cosmetics.
Use straightening and smoothing products. Get a special shampoo, balm, spray, and mask that have an anti-frizz effect. They will constantly affect the curls, gradually straightening them. Don’t forget about no-rinse products – gels, serums, and fluids with substances that moisturize the hair for a long period of time as well as protect it from ultraviolet rays and high temperature. It’s worth remembering that the thinner the hair the lighter should be a product that performs the role of a “weighing down agent”.
– Dry your hair properly.
After washing, don’t leave your hair to the mercy of fate – you’ll need a hair dryer, a round brush (preferably a large one) and a spray or hair cream with a straightening effect. Divide the hair into two parts – the upper and the lower one – and apply the product through the entire length. Secure the upper part with a clip, put the brush on the underside of the loose hair and start drying it, pulling the brush down. Hold the dryer five centimeters away from the brush. At first, this procedure may take a lot of time, but later you’ll learn how to do it in 10-15 minutes.
– Use a flat iron.
If you need a quick result, hot plates will help to make hair straight in a few minutes. For frizzy, puffy hair, it’s better to choose a straightener with an ionization function that will eliminate static electricity, making hair more obedient and allowing it to hold its style longer. And don’t forget to always use heat protectant products to keep your hair safe from heat damage!
– Consult a professional.
A good hairstylist may advise you several salon treatments for straightening your curls. For example, lamination or keratin treatment. A stylist will straighten your hair and apply a special solution to it that will keep the strands in this state for about 2-3 months. In addition, the hair will gain a shiny and healthy look.
Of course, all these tips don’t exclude the necessity of taking care of curly and wavy hair at home, using natural masks based on nourishing oils and other useful components. After all, as mentioned above, the main reason the hair becomes frizzy is the lack of moisture and brittleness of the strands. So, let your hair be healthy and beautiful!
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